Breakfast: Club Sandwich bread do you make a good homemade sand.html

  Sandwich is one of my favorite food that contains large amount of Cholesterol of about 388.3mg.

 Commonly consisting of  eggs, vegetables, slice of tomatoes, slice cheese and slice of bread.

  Sandwich food is one of the portable finger food in the northern Africa and western part of the world in 18th century before it become the most popular food around the world.

  However, 90% of people with sandwich lover prefer to take it as a lunch food. While some prefer it as a breakfast.

In the United States, sandwich was first promoted as an Complex meal at supper.

   But in 20th century, it became American most popular meal.

  In this article: I’ll show you how I make breakfast club sandwich.

 Ingredients needed

  •  18 slice bacon
  •  Salt and pepper (in moderate)
  •  ¾ (180ml) Cup of mayonnaise
  •  18 slice of tomatoes
  •  12 slice of bread
  •  12 eggs
  •  12 leaves boston lettuce
  •  4 toothpicks
  •  Plate/dish
  •  Bowl
  •  Toasting bread machine
  •  Knife

Read also: How to make Creamy fruit salad


  •  Place your rack in the middle of the oven.
  •  Pre-heat your oven at 220°C (425°F).
  •  Line a 38×25cm (i.e 15×10 Inches) dish with your sheet of parchment paper and let it spread beyond each of the edges.
  • Apply vegetable Oil on the sheet and the sides of the plate.
  • Then, make wide spread of your slices of bacon on the cooking dish.
  • And bake in the oven till approximately 15 minutes or till they change to golden color at 220°C .
  • Get a bowl, mix 1:4 (¼) cup of mayonnaise with the eggs. Add your pepper alone with salt (in moderate).
  • After your mixture, shink into the cooking dish and bake for about 12 minutes. 
  • Switch off the oven and return the slices of bacon to the oven. do you make a good homemade sand.html


  •  Toast like 3 slices of your sandwich bread and diffuse mayonnaise on the surface of the bread.
  •  After that, put the egg on 1 slice of your sandwich bread alone with 3 slices of your bacon, and cover it with the second slice of your toasting bread.
  • Put 2 leaves of boston lettuce and three slices of tomato.
  • Cover it with a third slice of your toasting bread.
  • Use a toothpick to hold it at the 4 corners and cut into triangle.
  • And finally, enjoy the taste of my favorite meal.

Repeat the steps for the remaining ingredients. 

In Summary

Using the above mentioned ingredients


  • Place a rank at the centre of your oven
  • Switch it on and heat at 220°C
  • Line approximately 38×25 cm dish with your sheet of parchment paper but 2x of the side of the dish
  • Appy oil on the sheet and the dish
  • Spread your slices of bacon on the cooking plate
  • Bake until it change color to golden color usually 15 minutes or slightly more than.
  • Mix ¼ cups of your mayonnaise and egg together and put three quarters of one teaspoon of salt and pepper 
  • Mix and shink into the cooking plate and bake approximately 12 minutes
  • Put of your oven and return back the slices of bacon for warming.

Assembly sandwich is very easy, just follow the assemble method provided above.

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