If you’re the type of person that do use laptop in the public place where others can easily have access to some of your secret information that is not meant for public, I’d advise you consider setting up a secret password on it to keep your confidential information safe from stolen. 

  Or setting up a screen saver program with password, this method works automatically depending on the duration of time you set it. With this method, you don’t need to manually lock your computer unless is necessary.

  Nevertheless, there are three ways in which you can lock your computer system manually especially in a public cafe or in an organization where people can access it while you’re away.

   First method;

 1. Kindly press Ctrl+Alt+Delete key on the keyboard at the same time 

2. Some options will display, select lock.

 You can also use this method to switch user perhaps you’re not the only that is using the laptop.

Second method;

 This method looks smart and quick way to lock laptop of any version.

  • Simply press the “Start” key on the keyboard at the same time with L key on the keyboard.

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Third method;

1. Provided your laptop is on, use your mouse to point the cursor on “Start” 

2. Click on power icon 

3. There are three options, click sleep

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Fourth method;

1. Click on Start key on your keyboard

2. Click power icon with your mouse

3. Select sleep to lock your computer.

Read also: How to lock Facebook profile information for unknown users

  How to laptop password

  •  Click on start option
  •  Select Accounts from the options display
  •  Choose sign-in
  •  Click on password
  •  Click on Add 
  •  Create a New password, confirm, provide 2-3 letters as a hint to the password 
  •  Save.

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