How much is driver license in Nigeria


   Renewal of a driver’s license in Nigeria might be challenging if you don’t know where to go or the right source to consult. Certainly, there are specific locations throughout the country, particularly in each state, where you can complete this process quickly and easily.

   In this post, you will discover the easiest and quickest method to renew your driving license online, and get it registered with FRSC driver’s license.

   The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has put in place curated 8-steps to do this.

   As of now, the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has 195 operational centers across the nation, with Lagos and Delta having the largest driver’s license centers, followed by Osun, Ondo, Rivers, Plateau, Benue, Abia, FCT, and several more.

   The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) is a government organization tasked by law with administering road safety in Nigeria. It is active in all 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory.

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   The Federal Road Safety Corps is the top management and administrative body for road safety in Nigeria.

   All of Nigeria’s states and the Federal Capital Territory are serviced by the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), a government organization tasked by law with overseeing the country’s administration of road safety. The FRSC is Nigeria’s top management and administrative organization for traffic safety.

   The FRSC is responsible for a number of duties, but our main focus is the one involving driver’s licenses, which includes the following:

1. designing and creating the driver’s license that different kinds of drivers of vehicles will use;

2. Establishing the conditions that a driver’s license applicant must meet from time to time

3. To maintain the 3-year driver’s license grace period, which must be renewed once the grace period has expired.

   Regarding this, the Nigeria government agency makes sure that all motorists, including those operating motorcycles and other vehicles, have an updated Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) driver’s license, which is roughly thought to be valid for 3 to 5 years after registration, in accordance with the FRSC Act.

However, it is compulsory for all motorists, including motorcycles and other vehicles, to renew their driver’s license once it has expired. which then gives every driver the permission to legally use their car on Nigeria’s roads. However, the commission has laid out clear processes and criteria for doing so.

  You truly don’t have to pass the driving test while renewing your Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) driver’s license, unlike when applying for the license. Use the recommended procedures below to renew your driver’s license:

How to Renew Driver’s License online

  • Visit the following URL to get or renew a driver’s license in Nigeria: Or
  • Click CONTINUE when the “notification message” warning of a phishing website appears.
  • When you click on “driver’s license renewal,” you will be sent to a page where you must enter your date of birth and the number of your expired driver’s license. You’ll be able to access and complete the application form once you’ve successfully filled out the requirements.
  • Payments for the license can be made at any of the approved banks or online.
  • Get your receipt printed and proceed to the driver’s license center to submit your application form.
  • To have your biometric information taken, visit the Federal Road Safety Corps office.
  • Get a temporary driver’s license that lasts only for 60 days.

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